Thursday, August 19, 2010

.....!!!"MY UNEXPECTED FEELINGS"!!!......

....................Oh!!!!!!.......................what is this???.................... 
   A strange feeling I never felt before. I wanna be with you every minute to see your sweet smile. The sweet smile that makes my day so bright and makes me inspired. To hear your deep voice. Deep voice that sounds like thunder. Thunder that has changed the beat of my heart, my dreams and my whole life. To touch your fine skin. The fine skin that make me aware of everything. The beauty of the whole world and the magical way of loving." I love you" but I guess you don't love me the way I do. "I like you" but you belong to someone else whom you like most..................
                           What should I do?...................
      Nothing...............but love you only in my dreams........ My dreams that I wish..........someday will come true!!!!!!!...........

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